Advaya Fleet

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Summary of Duty Status Report

For an overview of the hours allocated to various statuses by your drivers, refer to the Duty Status Summary Report (Access through Compliance > Duty Status Summary).
At times, drivers manually choose their status via the Advaya Driver App while carrying out their driving tasks during their shift. Through Auto-Duty, Advaya automatically registers drivers with a driving status when they are logged in and their movement exceeds 5mph. The 5mph threshold is an integral aspect of the ELD mandate and remains non-adjustable.
When these statuses are activated, drivers have the option to designate the Yard Move or Personal Conveyance status before initiating vehicle movement to prevent the time from being logged as Drivetime.
After their vehicle has been stationary for 5 minutes, drivers will automatically switch to the On-Duty status.
As a default setting, the report displays data for the current day. You have the ability to adjust the report's time frame using the date selector positioned above the table. Furthermore, you can enhance the results by employing any of the following methods:
The report presents the following details:
Category Overview
Name of the driver.
Off Duty
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver was off duty.
Sleeper Berth
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver spent in the sleeper berth.
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver spent driving the vehicle.
On Duty
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver was on duty.
Yard Move
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver spent conducting a yard move.
Personal Conveyance
Duration, displayed in hours: minutes, that the driver spent conducting personal conveyance.
Upon satisfaction with your report, you can also perform any of the following optional actions from the more menu ( ... ):
Daylight Savings Time in HOS Reports
Advaya will autonomously manage daylight savings for drivers.
During the Fall, on the day of daylight savings, the graph grid within the driver log will display 25 hours, featuring an extra 1 am log.
In the Spring, on the day of daylight savings, the graph grid on the driver log will exhibit 23 hours, omitting the 2 am hour.