Advaya Fleet

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Driver Safety

Safeguard your Fleet and Finances with our Comprehensive Safety Solution
Lead Fleet Safety Proactively, Attain Documented Results, and Reclaim Valuable Time. Prevent Accidents and Clear Drivers of Fault with the Most Precise and Swift AI Dash Cam
Leverage AI capabilities to boost Fleet Safety
Advance Safety Measures Proactively
Maximize Fleet Safety and Minimize Risks Using Advaya's AI-Powered Platform. Ensure Business Protection with Accurate Real-time Driver Coaching, Instant Accident Detection, On-the-Spot Exoneration Evidence, and Robust Privacy Protection
Reclaim your Time
Simplify Driver Safety Management with Advaya's Unified Platform, Dramatically Easing Your Safety Department's Burden Through Smart Automation. Streamline Operations with Intuitive Self-Coaching Tools, Prioritized Footage, and Tailored Safety Definitions, Eliminating Repetitive or Time-Consuming Tasks.
Provide Tangible Results
Demonstrate safety enhancement and set your business apart using Advaya’s advanced risk scoring and reporting. Increase business prospects and enhance profitability with precise accident prediction, actionable coaching reports, and recognition of safe drivers.
A Results Driven Fleet Safety Solution

Enhancing Safety

Advaya’s AI Dashcam instantly notifies drivers of unsafe behaviors, such as close following and cell phone use, promoting heightened awareness and the cultivation of improved habits."

Empowering Drivers

Automated and Personalized Coaching with the Advaya Driver App. Harness Advaya’s streamlined coaching workflow and DRIVE risk score to nurture and retain commercial drivers.

Cost Management

Mitigate accidents and related expenses by coaching drivers for improvement. Leverage dash cam clips for protection against fraudulent claims and implement automated collision reporting for expedited claims processing

Visual Vigilance

Utilize HD Video Footage as a Trustworthy Eyewitness. Harness dash cam videos to establish innocence and provide a defense against litigation. Access footage from the last 30 to 235 hours for a comprehensive understanding of incidents