Advaya Fleet

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Hours of Service (HOS) Audit Migration Summary

The HOS Audit Migration Overview allows you to monitor the progress of HOS Audit transfers. For guidance on submitting an internal audit log transfer, refer to the in-house audit section.
To access this report, navigate to Compliance > HOS Audit Transfer
The report presents the following details for each audit log:
Category Overview
Requested At
Timestamp indicating when the data file transfer commenced.
The status indicates the outcome of the transfer:
- Pending: The data file transfer is ongoing and awaits completion.
- Accepted: The data file is successfully generated, sent, and accepted by the FMCSA without errors or warnings.
- Accepted with Warning: A data file may lack non-essential fields but is still accepted with warnings. Review the warning message and update missing information if possible for future transfers.
- Rejected with Errors: The FMCSA rejects a data file due to critical information gaps or mis formatting. Consult the error message for potential corrections and consider a data file reattempt. Contact customer support if needed.
- Failed: The data file generation or transmission to the FMCSA has encountered failure. Customers should reach out to Customer Support for assistance.
Name of the driver whose log was requested.
Dates Requested
The requested date range for the transfer.
An admin or driver-supplied comment at the transfer initiation time. This field can aid in verifying correct comment entry if an officer encounters difficulty locating a seemingly successful transferred data file.
Requested By
The transmission method selected by the driver, either Email or Wireless Web Services.
HOS Driver Audit Overview
The HOS Driver Audit Overview provides visibility into a comprehensive record of duty status alterations and revisions to an individual driver's logs. Accessible via Compliance > Driver HOS Audit, you can examine a summary of the total count of status updates per driver. To explore detailed status modifications for a specific driver, simply click on the respective driver's row.
The Driver HOS Audit Report presents the following details for the driver:
Category Overview
Edit Type Updated At
Explanation of the status alteration. Time when the Advaya cloud received an action in the audit report. For instance, a Drive status may have commenced in real-time at 8:00 am but wasn't received until 9:00 am due to the driver being offline.
Updated By
Entity initiating the status change, which can be a driver, carrier, or system-generated.
Associated vehicle with the status change, if available.
Driver's current status, if known, such as Off Duty, Driving, or On Duty.
Time when an action in the audit report commenced, e.g., a Drive status started at 8:00 am.
Time when an action in the audit report concluded, e.g., a Drive status ended at 10:00 am.
Indication of whether the entry in the audit log was Created, Deleted, or Updated.
Mobile Device
Type of mobile device if a status change was initiated by the driver.