Advaya Fleet

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Driver Hours of Service (HOS) Reporting

To access your drivers' Hours of Service (HOS) Report from the main dashboard Overview page, follow these steps: On the left-hand column, click on Compliance, then select Driver HOS.
Within this section, you can view your drivers' logs and their current statuses. Additionally, you have the ability to make edits to the logs within this report.
Details of the Report
Please note: Absence of Driver Certification will register as a Violation. (Drivers can only certify logs within a 6-month period. Any logs uncertified beyond this timeframe will not allow edits or driving time assignments for those days).
Transition Updates
Report on Hours of Service Violation
Utilize the Hours of Service (HOS) Violations Report (Access through Compliance > HOS Violations) to comprehend inefficient routing and dispatch practices (e.g., excessively lengthy routes), rectify driver log discrepancies caused by human oversight (e.g., instances where a driver fails to log out of the application or update duty status), or provide guidance on driver conduct.
To access information about individual drivers, you can select the driver summary to examine specific details or access the Hours of Service report corresponding to the log where a violation occurred.
The Violations and Missing Certifications Reports serve as tools for effortlessly tracking compliance performance throughout your fleet, ensuring accountability among drivers and the back office in maintaining compliance.
This report is structured into two tabs
Violations Report
To facilitate the identification of coaching chances, the Infractions Summary offers a rapid glimpse into the number of violations per driver. These infractions are of a more severe nature compared to missing certifications and often demand prompt corrective measures.
For every driver with recorded violations within the chosen timeframe, the report exhibits the following details:
Category Overview
Name of the driver
Violation (Durations)
Occurrences of violations attributed to the driver along with the cumulative duration of time during which the violations occurred throughout the selected period.
Dates of violation incidents and the duration for each violation.
To enhance result precision, you have the option to adjust the date range, apply filters based on tags or specific Violation Types, or search for individual Drivers. Furthermore, you can delve deeper into a driver's Hours of Service Report by either selecting the driver's name or the violation incident.
For offline access or archival purposes, you can save the outcomes into a comma-separated values (CSV) file or print them via the actions menu ( ... ). The downloaded CSV file includes both Violations and Missing Certifications. Additionally, you can schedule regular reports to be sent to your email from the same menu.
Missing Certifications Report
To assist in recognizing and coaching drivers lacking certifications, you may refer to the Absent Certifications Report. These infractions occur when drivers fail to appropriately sign their logs at day's end.
For every driver with recorded missing certification violations
Throughout the designated duration, the report presents the following details:
Category Overview
Driver Violations (Time)
Name of the driver. Occurrences of one or more violations attributed to the driver and the cumulative duration of the driver's violation during the selected time frame.
Date when the violation took place and the duration of time per violation.
For enhanced result precision, options include adjusting the date range, applying tag or specific Violation Type filters, or searching for individual Drivers. You may also delve deeper into the Hours of Service Report for a driver through their name or the violation incident.
For offline viewing or archiving, you have the ability to save results to a comma-separated values (CSV) file or print them from the actions menu ( ... ). When downloading a CSV file, it encompasses both Violations and Missing Certifications. Additionally, you can schedule regular reports to be sent to your email from the same menu.